Safe Disposal With Minimal Stress — Items To Avoid Placing In A Dumpster

Renting a roll-off dumpster can be an excellent way to handle difficult waste challenges and still maintain a clean and stable job site. However, many people are under the mistaken impression that renting a dumpster gives them free reign to dispose of anything they desire, and that's an impression that needs to be corrected.

As with any other trash service, there are restrictions on the kinds of items that you should be disposing of in your rented dumpster. Below, you'll find a guide to some things you should be sure to keep out of the dumpster in order to guarantee effective service and completely responsible disposal.

Combustible Materials

Perhaps the biggest risk in any dumpster is the possibility of flammable materials smoldering quietly and undetected for an extended period before erupting into a conflagration. This is possible if you introduce risk factors to the interior of your dumpster, as very few people regularly check the status of their trash. 

Some items, such as paper and insulation, do carry a degree of flame risk but are still safe for dumpster disposal. The things you should avoid are chemical accelerants which are able to sustain themselves when ignited and which may give off noxious fumes that make controlling a fire difficult.


Old paint has very little use to anyone. Once it fully separates, you might be tempted to simply toss it in the trash and move on. Once the trash is transported, however, and those paint cans are compacted, the resulting runoff can pose a serious problem for the environment and surrounding water. 

Even modern paint which is manufactured to be nontoxic can pose a degree of risk to the environment. Rather than putting old paint in a dumpster, your waste management company should be able to help you find an appropriate disposal service which can handle paint waste and avoid turning it in to an unnecessary pollutant.


As with paint, ubiquitous items which may seem harmless in their daily usage can become a concern when they're introduced to the environment. Heavy metals and potentially toxic components located inside of electronics can pose a threat to ground water that you should avoid. You should also remember that even old electronics might have some benefit to underprivileged communities or educational programs, so seeking those out for donation and recycling is a much better plan than simply throwing old electronics into your dumpster.
